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QuPuG 01/16 - Abstracts

Nurses' views on health-related quality of life in nursing homes: A qualitative study
Laura Maria Steiner, Sabine Hahn

In Switzerland, a growing population of older people live in nursing homes. Studies revealed that nurses can positively influence residents’ quality of life through observing and inquiring about their individual needs and through their professional action. However, little knowledge exists regarding nurses’ perspectives on this topic. The aim of this study was to depict the nurses’ perspective on the quality of life of nursing home residents, along with describing the associated challenges. Therefore, 13 interviews with nurses between 22 to 56 years of age were carried out, and content analysis was conducted. The results showed that the residents’ quality of life represented a central concern for the participating nurses. Their perceptions regarding quality of life were described in eight main categories. They stated that the challenges included increasing cutbacks in daily care, the provision of care, the right to personal freedom and self-determination, as well as admission to a nursing home. The knowledge that those providing care have in regards quality of life should receive more consideration in practice. This would promote a deeper comprehension of the requirements necessary to promote residents’ quality of life.
Keywords: Health-related quality of life, nurses, nursing homes, content analysis
Corresponding author: Laura Maria Steiner
Language: German

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Please note that this article is in German.

One has to be careful to not get involved in it too much“ – outpatient nursing care for people with dementia living alone
Stefanie Schniering

Working conditions in nursing have continued to deteriorate. Therefore, nurses are often not able to completely fulfill the requirement of providing good care. This causes a conflict for nurses between providing care to patients and in the maintenance of self-care, and could potentially have adverse consequences for nurses.  This occurs especially during the outpatient care of people with dementia (pwd) living alone. This study focuses on the perspective of nurses regarding care-conflicts in the outpatient care of pwd living alone.
During the course of this qualitative, grounded theory methodological study, 13 episodic interviews were conducted.
The care of patients along with self-care, shape the actions and self-perceptions of nurses. The first results showed caring for patients as a continuum between altruism and paternalism. Self-care is mainly understood as a boundary nurses used to obtain relief from a situation.  Potential for conflict arises both on individual and systemic levels.
Nurses seem to be left alone in the handling of care-conflicts, especially those arising in the outpatient care of pwd living alone. In the future, these conflicts should take place not only on an individual level, but also on an organisational and political level.
Keywords: Care, self-care, recognition, dementia, living-alone
Corresponding author: Stefanie Schniering
Language: German

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Please note that this article is in German.

A literature review of electronic nursing documentation: nurses‘ perspectives on its supporting and hindering aspects
Selina Bilger, Miranda Fuhrer, Friederike J.S. Thilo
Nurses’ perspectives are critical for the successful use of electronic nursing documentation systems (eNDoc). Although nurses are generally in favor of the eNDoc, they repeatedly criticise its content, structure and function. The aim of this literature review was to describe the supportive as well as hindering aspects of eNDoc, from the perspective of hospital nurses. A literature search in the PubMed, CINAHL, Web of Science and Cochrane Library databases, along with a search of references, yielded 18 eligible studies. The analysis identified six themes:  information retrieval, presentation of contents, data entry, standardised and automatically generated contents, alert and notifications, and reliability of the system. Results show that from nurses’ perspectives, it is difficult to identify the aspects of eNDoc that are either distinctly supportive or hindering.  Rather, nurses' perceptions of eNDoc are varied. It seems important to place more focus on the content and function of eNDoc, so that eNDoc can specifically support the work processes in everyday practice.

Keywords: Literature review, electronic nursing documentation, nursing, barriers, promoters
Corresponding author: Selina Bilger
Language: German

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Please note that this article is in German.